Change A/R Account

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Module:  Accounts Receivable    

Applet:  Sales Journal


Description: How to change the A/R Account.

Step 1 - Select Change A/R Account from the Tools menu.

Step 2 - Select New A/R Account.

Step 3 - Click Save.

Step 4 - You will be asked if you want to post an adjustment. By checking this option, entries are then made in the General Journal, crediting the old A/R account and debiting the new A/R account for each period of the transaction.

Note: Changing the A/R account maintains account balance integrity for the two A/R accounts. While the individual account balances in the General Ledger will not be changed, the detail for each is now different. The combined A/R sub-ledger ties out with the combined G/L balances, but the individual sub-ledger will not. Do not check this option if you do not want this affect.
