Change Grid Display

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Module: Accounts Payable    

Applet: Employee Reimbursables


Description - How to change a grid display. You can change the grid display.


To change the displayed columns and rows:


Step 1 - Choose View from the tool menu and then columns. A list of columns appear.


Step 2 - By selecting a column, the user places a check mark next to that column. When there is a check mark, the information is then displayed in the grid.


Note - By selecting a checked column, the user removes the check mark. The information is then removed from the grid. All of the selectable columns are read only and options may vary between journals.


Note 2 - On the header of transaction is a Show Audit Trail check box. When checked, all entries, including reversing entries, will display. It will also include a line for the header section of the transaction. Auto-reversals and header lines will be grayed out and cannot be altered.

