Billing Tab

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Module: Accounts Receivable    

Applet:  Clients    

Tab:  Billing


Description: The Billing Tab (Field Descriptions Below)


Payment Terms  - Payment Terms are a user definable-list. They are purely informational. To maintain them, go to List Management and select Payment Terms under User Lists.


Type - User-defined payment type. Informational only.


Net Days - When a sales journal entry is made, this value is added to the invoice date to determine the due date.





Next Inv. Number - Next Invoice Number for this client when invoice incrementing in Global Settings is set to By Client


Client PO Number - Client Purchase Order Number. Available in Invoice Design.



Late Charges


Type - Type of late charge. Choices are a one time add-on amount and a percentage of total invoice. Late charges can be shown as a calculated amount on A/R reports, but are not automatically booked.


Amount - Late charge amount. Either a flat amount or percentage, depending on type.