General Tab

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Module: Accounts Receivable  

Applet:  Clients    

Tab:  General


Description: The General Tab (Field Descriptions Below)


Bill To - This is the Bill-To Address. The Bill-To Address can print on invoices, statements, and Accounts Receivable reports. It can be overridden at the project level.

Street 1
Street 2
Street 3
Street 4


Client Type / Specialty

Type - User-defined client type. Informational only. Client Types are a user-definable list. They are purely informational. To maintain them, go to List Management and select Client Types under User Lists.


Specialty - User-defined specialty type. Informational only. Specialty Types are a user-definable list. They are purely informational. To maintain, them go to List Management and select Clients Specialties under User Lists.


Main Contact - Employee who acts as main contact for this client


Internal Contacts

Main Contact Comments - Note for main contact


Sales Contact - Employee who acts as sales contact for this client


Sales Contact Comments - Note for sales contact


Other Contact - Employee who acts as a miscellaneous contact for this client


Other Contact Comments - Note for contact contact.


Marketing Contact - Employee who acts as marketing contact for this client


Marking Contact Comments - Note for marketing contact