Copy a Fiscal Year

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Module:  General Accounting    

Applet:  G/L Budgets


Description: How to Copy a Fiscal Year. A user can copy a fiscal year budget or a subset of it, by using the Copy Year feature located in the tool bar (Fig.1).

Copy a fiscal year (Follow the steps illustrated below)

Step 1 - Click Copy located in the toolbar.




Step 2 - Complete the Copy G/L box. Field descriptions are listed below. (Fig.2).




From Fiscal Year - Fiscal year from which to copy.


To Fiscal Year - Fiscal year to copy to


From Org. Unit - Organizational Unit from which to copy. Leave blank for All Org. Units.


To Org. Unit - Organization Unit to copy to. Leave blank for All Org. Units.


Financial Type - Financial type to copy. Leave blank for All.


Factor - Factor to be applied against budgets. Budgets will be multiplied for this number. For instances, to increase budges across the board by 10%, the factor would be 1.10.



Step 3 - To copy the fiscal year, click Copy.