Custom Report Descriptions

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  Custom Reports    


Description: There are many System Custom Reports. Custom Reports are constantly being added to InFocus.  Currently, available reports are:

1)Account Inquiry by Date - This report allows you to search for transactions by a date range.
2)Accounts Payable Batch Report – This report prints out the batch selections in A/P check writing (new feature in version 1.38).
3)Accounting Timesheet This report is a copy of the Timesheet custom report that prints in personal timesheets.  This version runs off the most current version in timesheet adjustments.
4)Account Project Inquiry by Date - This report shows transactional detail for a single G/L account group by project.
5)Aged WIP - This report shows unbilled transactions in five aging periods. The aging periods are fixed.
6)Balance Sheet with Drill down – Standard balance sheet report that now has hyperlinks for drill-down.
7)Bank Register Report - This is a data sensitive report providing a running balance of a single bank account.  There are four different report styles that sort and group check, deposits and adjustments in different ways.  You can optionally select which journals to include.  Please note that if you do not select all journals the ending balance will reflect the journals that are included.
8)Bill Review - The report must be enabled in Global Settings in the A/R tab to enable this feature. This report provides the necessary information for project managers to determine billing.
9)Bill Review Batch - This report is the same as the Bill Review Report, but can be run in batches.
10)Billing Status - This report will show cost transactions at the filters based on project leader designation. Employees with the designation of Project Accountant can see all projects.
11) Billings - This report will show invoices for a given period of time for a given client or all clients based on project leader designation. Employees with the designation of Project Accountant can see all projects.
12) Budget Backlog Report -   This custom report is identical to the Contract backlog Report, except it uses WBS budget amounts rather than contract amounts.
13) Cash Requirements Report – This report allows you to run a payables type report filter by a due date range.
14) Charge Organization Analysis – This report allows you to do an analysis of the charge org recorded in timesheets versus what the system currently would assign based on project setup rules.  This report has an option so you can retroactively update timesheets.   This report is useful if you set up the project rules after timesheets have already been entered.
15) Client Pay Performance – This report shows that average number of days it takes for a client to pay an invoice.  You can set a minimum number of invoices required before a client appears on the report.
16) Contract Backlog - Compares contract amounts to billed revenue plus effort with a billing status of R or H. It automatically filters based on project leader designation. Employees with the designation of Project Accountant can see all projects.
17) Consultant Tracking by Project then Sales Invoice - Unlike the Pay When Paid report only consultant charges that have been linked to a Sales Journal entry are included.

 Also, only A/R invoices with links to consultant purchases are included.

18) Consultant Tracking by Project then Vendor - Unlike the Pay When Paid report only consultant charges that have been linked to a Sales Journal entry are included.

 Also, only A/R invoices with links to consultant purchases are included.

19) Consultant Tracking by Vendor then Project - Unlike the Pay When Paid report only consultant charges that have been linked to a Sales Journal entry are included.

 Also, only A/R invoices with links to consultant purchases are included.

20) Disbursements by Date - Similar to the Disbursement Journal Report, but allows the user to search for transactions by a date range.
21) Employee Reimbursables by Date - Similar to the Employee Reimbursables Journal Report, but allows the user to search for transactions by a date range.
22) Employee Inquiry - This report is sorted by employee and allows for inquiry of time and expense for a given date range. You can also set filters for an employee, project or labor code.
23) Expense Code Listing – This report lists the expense codes set up in the system.
24) Expense Group Assignment – This report lists what expense groups are assigned to what projects.
25) Expense Group Detail – This report lists the expense group setup including expense codes and markups.
26) Expense Check Stub - This report is designed to be run by the employee who receives a check.  It will detail what expense sheet items are being paid on a given check.  To make this available to all employees first give permissions to a group that includes all employees and then assign the report to appear in the Personal module.
27) Expense Sheet Status Report - This report is designed to be run by the individual employee.  It will give a status report on expense sheets for a given expense sheet creation date.  Possible statuses are paid, processed (imported and approved by accounting but not yet paid), declined (rejected by accounting), mgr approved (approved by manager), submitted (by employee), and unsubmitted. To make this available to all employees first give permissions to a group that includes all employees and assign the report to appear in the Personal module.
28) Financial Statement Analysis Report - This report displays three tables of information.  The first table shows what accounts per statement line will be used.   The second table shows what accounts are not referenced in the design.  The third table shows what lines reference an account more than once.
29) Form 1099 Detail Backup - This custom report’s print options are identical to Form 1099’s load options.  The report provides a detailed and summarized backup of the 1099’s.
30) General Journal by Date - Similar to the General Journal Report, but allows the user to search for transactions by a date range.
31) General Ledger by Date - This will produce a date sensitive general ledger report.
32) Home Organization Analysis – This report allows you to an analysis of the home org recorded in timesheets versus what the system currently would assign based on employee setup .  This report has an option so you can retroactively update timesheets.  This report is useful if you set up the employee org after timesheets have already been entered.
33) Income Statement with Drill down – Standard income statement report that now has hyperlinks for drill-down.
34) Labor By Location – This report sorts labor transactions based on location as entered in timesheets.
35) Labor Code Listing – This report lists the labor codes set up in the system.
36) My Hours – This report is meant for access to be given all employees in the company.  It allows the employee to list all their hours for any project date range they wish.
37) Pay History – This report shows employee pay history which can be useful when performing employee reviews.
38) Pay When Paid By Project – This report is similar to consultant tracking with a few notable exceptions besides format.  Purchases not linked on a sales journal will appear on the report.  There is an okay to pay columns.  The okay to pay only applies to linked purchases and is based on monies received.  In the case of partial payments, the receipts are prorated accordingly.  This report also considers the new revenue type in cash receipts when computing consultant dollars received.
39) Pay When Paid By Project – Same as Pay When Paid By Project except sorted by vendor.
40) Pay When Paid Reports – Now supports vendor purchases that cite more than one project. Additionally, inactive projects can be excluded.
41) Project Earnings by Profit Center – New project summary report that can be grouped by organizational unit. It also can filter based on a common org code at a given level.
42) Project Figures - Shows As of the Moment project metrics for a given project to all its WBS levels. It automatically filters based on project leader designation. Employees with a designation of Project Accountant can see all projects. By default, this report shows labor cost as zero. To show labor cost, make a copy of the report, then click Manage Parameters. Note the parameters and their details. Next, click on the wand (  ). When prompted that previous parameters will be cleared out, click Yes. All exposed parameters will be visible. Restore the details of the Project Path and Myid parameters. Click Apply after each. Change the prompt type of the Showlaborcost report (at either Pay Rate or Job Cost Rate, depending on the setting of the Calculate Labor Cost option (in the General Tab of Global Settings).
43) The Project Figures - report is the first report to support a drill-thru design.  On this report, any figure, that is cased in blue and has an underline, will render a new detail report.  When the Project Figures Report is selected, a blue back-arrow will appear in the Report Viewer tool bar when a drill thru report has been entered.  Clicking on the back arrow will navigate back to the master report.The Project Figures report is accessible on the tool bar (View) in the Project Administration module (Projects applet) and the Project Management module (Project Planning applet). A permission under Project Management called View Labor Cost in Project Figures, determines whether a person can see labor costs on this report.
44) Project Metrics for Project Managers - This is a summary level (project level) report that will display most project metrics.  It is using a new SQL view called ev_projectmetrics_nolaborcost to make querying simpler for summary type reports.  This view contains no labor cost.
45) Project Overhead Allocation Report - This report will show current period and year to date overhead allocations by project and org unit.
46) Project Revenue by Type Report - This new custom report sorts and groups revenue by Project Report Type or Market Sector.  Many clients use either the report type or the market sector to identify the professional liability classification of a project.  In this scenario you can run the report YTD to provide the necessary revenue breakdown.  When you run the report you can either view billed or received.  If you run the report using received the system uses the cash basis conversion to break down the receipts into its types of revenue (labor, ODC, OCC and ICC).  When you run the report by market sector all metrics are factored by the market sector percentage entered on the project setup.
47) Purchases by Date - Similar to the Purchase Journal Report, but allows the user to search for transactions by a date range.
48) Rate Schedule Assignment – This report lists what rate schedules are assigned to what projects.
49) Rate Schedule Detail – This report lists the rate schedule setup including employees and job titles assigned and rates.
50) Receipts by Date - Similar to the Receipts Journal Report, but allows the user to search for transactions by a date range.
51) Revenue Analysis - Shows revenue transaction in detail and summarized at the WBS level. It automatically filters based on project leader designation. Employees with the designation of Project Accountant can see all projects.
52) Sales by Date - Similar to the Sales Journal Report, but allows the user to search for transactions by a date range.
53) Standard Hours – This report lists employee hours and variance for a date range versus an inputted standard hours.  This can be useful in determining who should get overtime.
54) Stored Procedure Code – This report shows the code that is contained in a stored procedure.  Most reports and queries that ship with Infocus use stored procedures.  This can be useful if you want to construct your own SQL queries that are based off an existing InFocus report or query.
55) Timesheet - This can linked to the Personal Timesheet applet and will render a physical timesheet that visually is comparable to the entry screen.  This can be enabled by selecting the Custom Timesheet Report option in Global Settings in the Time & Expense tab.
56) Timesheet Batch – This report is a copy of the Timesheet custom report that prints in personal timesheet.  It has been modified to accept a date range and an employee and/or project filter.
57) Unbilled Summary by Org Unit - This report is useful for companies that want to make general ledger entries to capture WIP.  The report has an option to post WIP to the general journal.  You must have the PM Bill Review special permission Can Override Project leader to post to the general ledger.   In order to perform the post you will also need to set up the posting accounts in the Revenue Recognition tab in Global Settings.  When you choose to post a messages section will appear at the end of the report.  The messages will display the journal entry number if successful otherwise it will display error messages.  The auto-reverse feature in the general journal can be used to reset the values to zero in the next period. The report has standard PM Leader restrictions so can be safely used by project managers.
58) Vendor Inquiry Report - This report displays both A/P and non-A/P transactions per vendor.  Options are available to display varying levels of detail such as project, WBS, invoice number and transaction detail.  You can also run the report for open invoices only.  If you do not supply a vendor code it runs for all vendors.
59) Unapproved Expense Sheets – This report lists expense sheets that have not been approved.
60) Unapproved Timesheets – This report lists timesheets that have not been approved.
61) Unprocessed Expense Sheets – This report lists expense sheets line items that have not been either imported into the employee reimbursable journal or have not been declined.
62) WBS listing – This report lists the WBS structure for projects.