Financial Statement Dataset

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  Financial Statement Designer


Description: Dataset. The RDL design affects the data that will be output to the report layout. While the actual figures and lines that appear vary by design, the columns or fields of the Dataset are always the same. Following is a list of the Dataset available in the Financial Statement designs (RDL File).

Line Type  - Command type


Line Text - Text to print on line. This has already been processed to be either the G/L account name or the line text from the design depending on line type.


Line Order - Sort order.


Base Code - Base code. Only relevant on types itemize and consolidate.


Org Path - Org unit path. Only relevant on type itemize.


Org Name - Org Name. Only relevant on type itemize.


Indents - Number of units to indent line text.


Subcol - Subtotal column.


IsBold - True or False; indicates if line should be bolded.


Left Border - Left border style for figures.


Right Border - Right border style for figures.


Top Border - Top border style for figures.


Bottom Border - Bottom border style for figures.


Format Group - User definable codes to use for conditional formatting.


Col1 thru Col15 - Column one through fifteen calculated figures.


Col1Pct thru Col15Pct - Column one through fifteen calculated percent of lines or rations.