Download a PM Report

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  PM Report Designer


Description: How to Download a report

All report layouts are stored in the database. In order to modify a report layout, download it to the local hard disk and modify it using Microsoft Report Designer. Anytime columns in the dataset change, the report must be downloaded and uploaded again.



Step 1 - Select Download. By selecting Download, you will bring up a folder navigator. Select the folder to which to download the report. Clicking OK will create a folder with the name of the report. Inside that folder, three files will be created:  a solution file (extension sln), a project fil (extention rptproj), and a layout file (extension RDL). These are used by the Report Designer.






Step 2 - Select the folder to which to download the report. Clicking OK will create a folder with the name of the report. Inside that folder, three files will be created:  a solution file (extension sln), a project fil (extention rptproj), and a layout file (extension RDL). These are used by the Report Designer.


Download a Report2




Download a Report3