Filter Section

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Module:  Accounts Receivable    

Applet:  PA Bill Review    

Tab:  Transactions


Description: Filters available in PA Biill Review to narrow down your search.


Note: Filters are available in the left panel of the applet to limit the displayed projects by manager and/or accountant.

A Quick Filter is at the top of the panel.  This will filter projects whose path begins with the entered characters.
Show All Columns - when checked, more detailed information will be displayed for each project.  The columns can be dragged to change order.
A user can filter transactions by an As of Date
A user can limit the display of projects to those that have been reviewed by a manager.
Limit To PM Leader - When checked (and the Project Leader drop-down is filled out), only projects, where the stated Project Leader is a project manager, will be returned.
A Has WIP check box will filter out projects with no WIP value.
A Has Fixed Fee check box will filter out projects with no Fixed Fee value.


Column filters have been added to the top grid for custom filtering.


PA Bill Review Filter Section