Form 1099 Toolbar

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Module:  Accounts Payable    

Applet:  Form 1099



Description: The Form 1099 Toolbar gives the user (if given the appropriate permissions) numerous capabilities. Below is a list of those capabilities.






Load 1099 Recipients (Pictured Below) - To view Form 1099 Loading Criteria choose "Load 1099 Recipients" from the toolbar (Field Descriptions Below).


Save - Saves changes to 1099 form made on the Main Applet form.


Print 1099's - Prints 1099 forms.


Print Labels - Prints mailing labels to send 1099 forms.








Year - Calendar year that should be analyzed.


1099 Minimum - Minimum amount paid out before a 1099 should be generated for a given vendor or employee.


Run Cash Conversion - When checked, the cash based conversion utility will be run prior to generating 1099's. Cash journals are used in 1099 calculations.


Use All Accounts - When checked, all G.L accounts are considered for 1099 pay amount; otherwise, only accounts that are flagged in the chart of accounts as 1099 accounts will be used.




All Vendors - When checked, all vendors are selected.


Selected Vendors - If All Vendors is not checked, you can select individual vendors here.




All Employees - When checked, all employees are selected.


Selected Employees - If All Employees is not checked, you can select individual employees here.