Notes Tab

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Module:  Marketing    

Applet:  Contacts    

Tab:  Notes


Description: The Notes Tab (field descriptions below). Notes can be entered against a client, a client contact, or a project (descriptions below). See Notes chapter for further detail.


Note Types is a user-definable list. It is used to classify notes for better management. To maintain Note Types, go to List Management and select Note Types under User Lists.


Create New Note - New firms are entered on the New button on the toolbar.



Notes Details Text Box - Enter message to be displayed here.


Firm - Selects the firm for which the current note is intended.
Project - Selects the project that this note regards.

Schedule Follow Up Activity - When checked, this sections becomes active. This gives the user the option of scheduling a follow-up activity. Type, Date, Time, and Duration are selected.

Note Type (Dropdown) - Type of Note Posting. (Phone Call, Meeting, E-Mail, Appointment, Lunch, and Dinner are the choices).
Date - Date for scheduled follow-up activity.
Time - Time for which the follow-up activity is scheduled.
Duration - Duration of the scheduled follow-up activity.
Apply - Clicking on Apply posts the note in the Notes grid located at the bottom of the screen.
Cancel - Cancels the current note.

Notes/History and My Notes Tabs - The Notes/History tab and My Notes tab are used for reviewing notes. The My Notes tab filters out all notes, unlike the Note/History tab, filters out all notes where the logged-in user is not the creator of the note.