Report Details Tab

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  PM Report Designer

Tab: Report Details


Description: The Report Details Tab contains the main details of the PM Report.



Active - When checked, this is an active report.

Name & Title


Report Name - Name of report (No Spaces Allowed)


Report Title - Title to print on report


Report Type


Limit Project Leaders - When checked, project leaders will see only the projects they are assigned to. This can be overridden for a project leader with the special permission Can Override Limit to Project Leader.


Use Range For Period 1 - When checked, period 1 will prompt for a start and end date; otherwise, only an end date is requested.


Periods - Number of periods on report


Period Prompts


Period 1 Prompt - Prompt text for period 1.


Period 2 - Type of Period. Choices are Calendar Year-to-Date, Fiscal Year-to-Date, Project-to-date, and Custom. All but Custom use a Period 1 end date and require no prompt. Custom prompts for a data range.


Period 2 Prompt - Prompt text for period 2.


Period 3 - Type of Period. Choices are Calendar Year-to-Date, Fiscal Year-to-Date, Project-to-date, and Custom. All but Custom use a Period 1 end date and require no prompt. Custom prompts for a data range.


Period 3 Prompt - Prompt text for period 3.


Description - Description of report. Informational only.



Show Advanced Options


FS Detailed Options


Eliminate Tx with Zero Balances For: Revenue, Cost, Budget - When checked, the report will not print the tax containing zero balance for the selected option.
Group Data - When checked, data is group based on all columns (except aggregates). This is the normal operation. Only uncheck it if you want to see individual records.
Denormalize WBS - When checked, the fields that breakdown the WBS are broken into separate fields. Ex. ProjectPath  becomes ProjectPath1 (Project Level), ProjectPath2 (Phase Level), ProjectPath3 (Task Level), and ProjectPath4 (Subtask Level)