Project Details

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Module:  Project Management    

Applet:  Project Planning


Description: The Project Details Box is where the main project information is saved and can be changed.


Detail Descriptions below


Field Descriptions

Code - Project Code.
Name - Project Name.
Client - Client associated with the project.
Budget By Rate - Rate that you want the plan to budget by. Budget By Rate has three types: labor can be at pay rate, job cost rate or bill rate.
Restrict Time Entry to Members - When checked, time entry is limited to those members associated with the project.
Start Date - Start date of the project.
End Date - End date of the project.
Rate Schedule - Rate Schedule associated with the project.
Multipliers - Multipliers associated with the project.


Labor Multipliers - Labor Multipliers associated with the project.
Other - Defaults to the employee record to get the Job Cost Rate or the Bill Rate.
Expense Group - Expense Group associated with this project.