Run a Vendor Query

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Module: Accounts Payable    

Applet: Vendor Queries    


Description: How to Run a Query.

In order to run a query, first select it in the Query List. If the query has input parameters defined, then prompt lines will appear in the parameter grid.


File - InFocus table name. See Data Dictionary for more information.


Field - InFocus column name. See Data Dictionary for more information.


Operator - Choices are =, <>, <, >, >=, <=, between, or is not null. Is not null is synonymous with a blank or empty field.


Value 1 -  Used with all operators except is not null. This is the value that completes the filter operation (except in the case of the between operator). In the case of the between this represents the lower range


Value 2 - Used only with the between operator; represents the upper range.


When you click on the Run button, the results tab will fill based on the query definition. If the result sets contain and key fields they will appear in blue with and underline like an internet hyperlink. When you click on one of these the associated master file screen will launch with the associated record filled in. The primary key fields are vendor code, client code, project path and employee code.


If you drag a result column to the area above the results grid, the results will be grouped in a hierarchical fashion.


When you click on the Export button, you will be prompted for a filename. This will be the Excel file to which the result set is exported to. Please note that if you grouped the results set the grouping will be preserved in the export.