Detail Section

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Module:  Accounts Receivable    

Applet:  Sales Journal


Description: Distribution of client invoices to G/L accounts and WBS paths occur in the detail section of the Sales Journal.


Note: On a new row, F2 duplicates the row from above; otherwise, it copies the current row to a new line.






Rev. No. - The number of the revision of the Journal entry. The original entry is 1.


Project Path -  WBS path. Optional


Project Name - Displays the Project Name in the detail section.  This is optionally shown through the toolbar under View / Columns.


Expense Code - Optional.  Displays the Expense Code of the transaction.


G/L Account - Limited to billed and unbilled revenue, WIP, retainage, retainer, bad debt, and late charge accounts.


G/L Account Name - Displays the GL Account Name in the detail section.  This is optionally shown through the toolbar under View / Columns.


G/L Period - Displays the GL Period in the detail section.  This is optionally shown through the toolbar under View / Columns.


Amount - Line item amount


G/L Comments - General ledger comments. Will print on G/L reports in place of comments on header of transactions for this line item.


PM Comments - Project Management comments. Appears on Project Management reports and invoices.