Sales Journal Report

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Module:  Accounts Receivable    

Applet:  Sales Journal



Description: The Purchase Journal Report allows you to run different reports against the Purchase Journal using the following criteria.


Starting Period - Starting G/L accounting period


Ending Period - Ending G/L accounting period


All A/R Accounts - When checked, all Accounts Receivable accounts are included.


Single A/R Account - When entered, only specified Accounts Receivable accounts are included.


Accounts from this Org. - When entered, only specified accounts associated with the specified Org. Unit is included.


Include Org. Children - When checked, the Org. Children from the specified Org. Unit are included.


Print Projects - When checked, projects will print.


Print Periods - When checked, the G/L accounting period will print for each transaction. When a transaction spans more than one period, the transactions lines are grouped within the appropriate period.


Print G/L Comments - When checked, G/L comments will print.


Print PM Comments - When checked, project management comments will print.


Print Recap - When checked, a summary section showing totals by G/L account will print.


When you double click Sales Journal Report (located in the Applet section of the A/R Module), the following box pops up.

Sales Journal Report