Report Management

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Module: Administration        

Applet: Permissions

(Special Rights) Module: Utilities


Here is a List and Description of the Special Rights that can be granted for this Module:

Description: Special Permissions.The following special rights can be granted for the Report Management applet.


The special rights listed here give design rights to the various reports in the system. These reports do not not include reports designed under the specialty designers: invoices, project management reports, and financial statements. When checked, the Users and Groups are given design permissions to the following reports:


A/P Check
A/P Check Labels
A/P Long Stubs
Accounts Payable Reports
Accounts Receivable Reports
Data Dictionary
Disbursement Journal Reports
E/R Check
E/R Check Labels
E/R Long Stubs
Employee Reimbursable Journal Reports
Expense Sheet
Form 1099
Form 1099 Labels
General Journal Reports
General Ledger Reports
Invoice Labels
Manual Check
Pay When Paid Reports
Purchase Journal Reports
Receipt Journal Reports
Sales Journal Reports
Time sheet
Time Utilization Reports
Trial Balance