Summary Section

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  Invoice Design    

Invoice Section: Summary


Description: Summary sections are used as subtotaling areas. They are single-record datasets that contain billing-to-date information, contractual amounts, and running totals.


Summary sections can be used with labor upsets. Sometimes it is preferable to perform an upset in a Summary section rather than in the Labor section. An example is when multiple labor schedules are used. When a cap is used in the Summary section, it overrides the current posting figures.


Summary Sections Details Listed Below



Name - Name of the summary section.


Apply Cap - Labor upset


Post Retainer / Retainage


Post Retainage - When checked, retainage (if any) will be posted.


Post  Retainer - When checked, retainer (if any) will be posted.


Print If Non-Zero - Section will print if any of the following checked values are non-zero.




Fixed Fee









