UDF Fields Tab

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Module:  Administration  

Applet:  UDF Designer

Tab: UDF Fields


Description: In the UDF Fields tab, a user can add, modify, or delete a UDF.


Clicking the UDF Designer button (located on the toolbar) will bring up the following pop-up window:


Field Descriptions Below



Label - This is the field label that will appear on the form next to the field.


Name -  This is the name of the field as it will appear in the associated UDF table in the database. Names cannot include punctuation marks (including spaces).


Data Type - Type of data that is expected. Choices include Character (text), Integer, Numeric, Boolean (true/false), Date, and Date Time (includes both date and time).


Default - Default value for new records (optional).


Min - Minimum allowed value (optional).


Max - Maximum allowed value (optional).


List - UDF List to use for quick entry.


Save - This button will save the UDF and rebuild all of the invoice designs to include the UDF fields.