Upload a Report

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  Custom Reports


Description: How to Upload a Report.

Note: System Reports can be downloaded, however, a user cannot upload over a system report.  To do this, refer to the Copy a Layout tutorial located in the Custom Report's How To section.


After modifying a layout, it must be uploaded to the database to be put in use (directions follows).

Step 1 - Click the Upload button. A File Navigator will appear to locate the modified design (RDL extension).

Upload a Report1


Step 2 - Click on OK to upload the design. Select the folder to be uploaded, then click on OK. The folder has then been uploaded.

Note: If the name of the RDL does not match the name of the report design, a warning will appear. It can be ignored if desired. Its purpose is to prevent accidental uploads into the wrong report.