Work Detail Screen

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Module:  Project Management    

Applet:  Work Orders


Description: The Work Order Detail Screen is where the detail for a work order is entered. It is accessed by clicking on the New button in the Work Orders screen, or by double-clicking on a work order in the Navigator List.

Field Descriptions Below



ID - Work order identification number. System generated. Read only.


Subject - Subject line of work order


Quote Request - When checked, the work order is a request for a quote.


Mandatory - When checked, the work order cannot be rejected by the assigned employee.


High Priority - When checked, will display as a high priority in work order list.


Require ETC - When checked, the assigned employees must enter an Estimate to Complete when the work order is referenced in timesheets.


Estimated Start - Estimated start date of work order


Estimated Finish - Estimated completion date of work order


Estimated Hours - Estimate hours required for work order.


Project - WBS for which the work order is intended.


Employee - Assigned employee.


Job Title - Default job title. Can be overridden at timesheet entry.


Labor Code - Default labor code. Can be overridden at timesheet entry.


Bill Status - Default bill status. Can be overridden as timesheet entry.