Modify Periods General Accounting>Accounting Periods

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How to modify a G/L period.

Step 1 - All periods in the system appear in the grid. Edit the desired value (Fig.1).




Step 2 - Click Save (Fig.2).

Note: The system endures no overlaps in date ranges among periods.




Fields that can be changed:

Current Period - This is the default G/L period. It must be an open period. It acts as the default on new transactions and other procedures where a G/L period is required.


Current Invoicing Period - This is the default As Of Period for client invoicing.


Open - When checked, this period is open for transactions.


Period Code - System-generated. Cannot be changed.


Start Date - System-initialized but can be changed by user. This is the start date of the period.


End Date - System-initialized but can be changed by user. This is the end date of the period.