Alert Descriptions Utilities>Dashboard Groups

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Alerts Descriptions

Warn on Use of At Risk -  An Alert will be generated if a project is assigned to an At Risk client (any client displaying a stop sign in the Warnings tab in client setup).

My Scheduled Projects for Today - This will alert the logged-in user of all projects he or she is scheduled for on the current day.

Accounts Receivable Balances - This alert will display the as of the moment balance in all A/R general ledger accounts.

Accounts Payable Balances  - This alert will display the as of the moment balance in all A/P general ledger accounts.

New Projects Without a Bill Rate Schedule at The top level - This alert will report projects that do not have a bill rate schedule assigned at the project level.

New Receipts for My Projects - The alerts the PM or PIC of new receipts on their projects.

New Sale Invoices for My Projects -  The alerts the PM or PIC of new sales on their projects.

New Consultant Invoices for My Projects -  The alerts the PM or PIC of new consultant invoices on their projects.

Recent Projects Where I Have Been Added as a Team Member -   This alerts the logged in user of projects they have been recently added to as a team member.

Change Orders Waiting Approval - This Alert displays any Change Orders that are waiting for approval in Project Planning.

My New Work Orders - This Alert displays new Work Orders created for the user.

My Processed Expense Sheets - This Alert shows the user when a payment has been made for their expenses.