Coversheet Section Utilities>Invoice Design

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Coversheet sections are used to invoice multiple projects on one invoice. The fields exposed to the report writer are predetermined so no options need to be filled out. In general, the fields represent the billing information for the projects that are part of the invoice.


Coversheets are used by first creating an invoice group on a client. You do this by calling up the client in the Clients applet and creating an Invoice Group from the Tools option on the tool bar.  You then assign a Coversheet design to the invoice.


Finally, Projects are grouped together by assigning them to a common Invoice Group. This is done on the Billing tab in the Project applet.


Note: All projects within an invoice group belong to the same client.


Fields exposed in the Coversheet are listed below.



The Fields per Project exposed in coversheets include:


projectcode -  Project code.


projectpath - Project path.


projectname - Project name.


invoiceno - Invoice number.


currentdirectlabor - Current billing for direct labor (without markup).


currentdpeoh - Current billing for DPE plus overhead portion.


currentprofit - Current billing for labor profit portion.


currentfixedfee - Current billing for fixed fee.


currentdirectodc - Current billing for ODC (without markup).


currentodcmarkup - Current billing for ODC markup portion.


currentdirectocc - Current billing for OCC (without markup).


currentoccmarkup - Current billing for OCC markup portion.


currentretainage - Current billing for retainage.


currentretainer - Current billing for retainer.


previousdirectlabor - Previous billings for direct labor (without markup).


previousdpeoh - Previous billings for DPE plus overhead portion.


previousprofit - Previous billings for labor profit portion.


previousfixefee - Previous billings for fixed fee.


previousdirectodc - Previous billings for ODC (without markup).


previousodcmarkup - Previous billings for ODC markup portion.


previousdirectocc - Previous billings for OCC (without markup).


previousoccmarkup - Previous billings for OCC markup portion.


previousretainage - Previous billings for retainage.


previousretainer - Previous billings for retainer.


recvdtodate - Received to date.


currentbilled - Total current billing.


previousbilled - Total previous billings.