Header Human Resources>Employees

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Employees and sub-contractors are entered in employee setup. These are the only items against which time sheets can be entered. InFocus is licensed based on active employee count (sub- contractors count as employees).


The following information to be filled out is located in the header portion of the Employees Applet. * indicates required fields to save.

*Code - Employee code. Must be unique.


Prefix - Prefix


*First - Employee first name


Middle - Employee middle name


*Last - Employee last name


Suffix - Employee name suffix


Proper Name - Employee proper name.


Attention - Attention line.


Work Email - Work email


Home Email - Home email


InFocus User Name - InFocus login name. Clicking on Generate Username will auto-construct the login name.


Work Phone - Work phone


Ext. - Work extension


Home Phone - Home phone


Cell Phone -Cell phone


Fax - Fax number


Active - Check this box to make this an active employee. This will make the employee available for transactions and assignments.