A/R Tab Administration>Global Settings

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The A/R Tab. Settings on this tab relate to the Accounts Receivable module (field descriptions below).



Over payments


Type - Determines how over-payments are aged on Receivable reporting.


Label - Label to print in Receivable reporting for over-payments.


Aging Periods


Number of Periods - Number of aging periods to appear on Receivable reporting. Upt o five periods can be specified. The system automatically adds a final period that is all transactions older than the final period specified.


1st Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is automatically zero.


2nd Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 1st Period.


3rd Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 2nd Period.


4th Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 3rd Period.


5th Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 4th Period.


Receipt Wizard Breakdown


Breakdown Receipts to WBS  - Controls whether or not the receipt wizard will break down receipts to levels below the project.


Breakdown Receipts to Revenue Type  - Controls whether or not the receipt wizard will break down receipts to the revenue type.


Default Bill Review Report


PM Bill Review - Where a user can select the report to use for the Bill Review Report.


PA Bill Review - Where a user can select the report to use for the Bill Review Report.


Percent Complete Calculation Default Formula


Drop-down Box - Where a user can select the default formula for this tool.


Manage Formula - Where a user can design and manage formulas to use in this tool.


PA/PM Bill Review Settings


This allows for Never Bill, Write-off (W status on a cost transaction), and ICC Charges to appear in PA/PM billing review.