Recalculate Markups Project Administration> Recalculate Markups

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How to Recalculate Markups


Step 1 - Click on the Recalculate Markups applet. A Recalculate Rates pop-up should appear.


Step 2 - Fill out the box with the appropriate information.



Limit Transactions By (Date) - Choose the dates for which to recalculate the markup rates. Choices are: Do Not Limit, Transaction Date Range, or Period Range.


Limit Transactions By (Expense Codes) - Choose the expense codes for which to recalculate the markup rates. Choices are: Do Not Limit, Expense Codes, or Expense Group.


Statuses to Include:

Ready - When checked, time line items with a bill status of Ready to Bill will be included.
Hold - When checked, time line items with a bill status of Hold will be included.
Never Billed - When checked, time line items with a bill status of Never Bill will be included.
Billed - When checked, time line items with a bill status of Billed will be included.
Write Off - When checked, time line items with a bill status of Write Off will be included.


Include PM Types



Only This Project - Here you can select a specific project for which to recalculate markup or leave blank for all projects.



Step 3 - Click Recalculate