Notes Marketing>Notes

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Notes can be entered against a client or against a client contact or project (description below). See the Notes chapter for further detail.

Note Types are a user-definable list used to classify notes for better management. To maintain them, go to List Management and select Note Types under User Lists.


Create New Note - The New button on the toolbar allows the user to enter a new note.



Text Box - Enter message to be displayed here.


Contact - Select a contact for the current note.
Firm - Select the firm for which the note is intended.
Project - Select the project which this note regards.

Schedule Follow Up Activity - When checked, this section will become active, giving the user the option of scheduling a follow-up activity. Type, Date, Time, and Duration are selected.

Type (drop-down) - Type Note Posting. Choices include Phone Call, Meeting ,E-Mail, Appointment, Lunch, and Dinner.
Date - Date for scheduled follow-up activity.
Time - Time for which the follow-up activity is scheduled.
Duration - Duration of the scheduled follow-up activity.


Show Until Marked Complete - When checked, the activity remains on the Upcoming Activities List until marked complete. If not completed, it comes off the Upcoming Activities list once the date has expired.


Note Type (Drop Down) - Type of Note Posting. Choices include Phone Call, Meeting, E-Mail, Appointment, Lunch, and Dinner.
Apply - When the Apply button is pressed, the note is posted in the Notes grid at the bottom of the screen.
Cancel - Cancels the current note.

Notes/History and My Notes Tabs - The Notes/History Tab and the My Notes Tab are used for reviewing notes. The My Notes Tab, unlike the Notes/History Tab, filters out all notes when the logged-in user is not the creator of the note.