Aggregates Utilities>PM Report Designer

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The majority of aggregate fields follow a basic set of syntactical rules with a root word that can have multiple prefixes and suffixes.



Root Words


Cost - Labor and expense cost values from transactions. In the case of labor it can be at pay rate or job cost rate depending on global settings.


Billed - Billed Revenue


UnBilled - Unbilled Revenue


Earned - Earned Revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue.


Wip - Work In Progress


Budget - Budget dollars


Alloc - Allocated Dollars



First Prefix - Only used with budget and alloc root words.


BL - Base line.



Second Prefix - Used with all root words


Labor - Project management type is labor


ODC - Project management type is other direct charges


OCC - Project management type is out-of-contract consultants


ICC - In-contract consultants



First Suffix - Used with cost root word.


MU - Marked-up value. For labor, it means bill rate; for expenses, it is the billable value.



Second Suffix - Used with cost root word.


Rnd - Rounded to two decimal places value.



Third Suffix - Used with cost root word.


A - Adjustments. All versions of a cost transaction except its most recent.


N - Transactions with a bill status of Never Bill.


B - Transactions with a bill status of Billed.


R - Transactions with a bill status of Ready to Bill.


H - Transactions with a bill status of Hold.


W - Transactions with a bill status of Writeoff.


Example. Variations of the root word - cost.

Cost - Cost of all labor and expense transactions. Unrounded

CostRND - Cost of all labor and expense transactions. Rounded

LaborCost - Cost of labor transactions unrounded.

ODCCostMU - Marked up value  of ODC transactions

OCCCostMUH - Marked up value  of OCC transactions that are on hold.




AllocAmount - Total allocated dollars


BadDebt - Bad debt


Billed - Total billed revenue


BLHoursBudget - Baseline budgeted hours


BLICCBudget - Baseline ICC budget dollars


BLICCBudgetPA - Baseline ICC budget percent allocated


BLLaborBudget - Baseline labor budget dollars


BLLaborBudgetPA -Baseline labor budget percent allocated


BLOCCBudget - Basline OCC budget dollars


BLOCCBudgetPA - Baseline OCC budget percent allocated


BLODCBudget - Baseline ODC budget dollars


BLODCBudgetPA - Baseline ODC budget percent allocated


Budget - Total budget dollars


BudgetPA - Total budget percent allocated


Cost - Total cost


CostA - Total cost of Non-Current Transactions


CostB - Total cost of Billed Transactions


CostH - Total cost of Hold Transactions


CostMU - Total marked-up Value Cost Transactions


CostMUA - Total marked-up Value of Non-Current Transactions


CostMUB - Total marked-up Value of Billed Transactions


CostMUH - Total marked up value Hold Transactions


CostMUN - Total marked-up value of Never Bill Transactions


CostMUR - Total marked-up value of Ready-to-Bill Transactions


CostMURnd - Total marked-up value of Cost Transactions; rounded


CostMURndA - Total marked-up value of Non-Current Transactions; rounded


CostMURndB - Total marked-up value of Billed Transactions; rounded


CostMURndH - Total marked-up value of Hold Transactions; rounded


CostMURndN -Total marked-up value of Never Bill Transactions; rounded


CostMURndR - Total marked-up value of Ready-to-Bill Transactions; rounded


CostMURndW - Total marked-up value of Write Off Transactions; rounded


CostMUW - Total marked-up value of Write Off Transactions


CostN - Total cost of Never Bill Transactions


CostR - Total cost of Ready to Bill Transactions


CostRnd - Total Cost; rounded


CostRndA - Total cost of Non-Current Transactions; rounded.


CostRndB - Total cost of Billed Transactions; rounded


CostRndH - Total cost of Hold Transactions; rounded


CostRndN - Total cost of Never Bill Transactions; rounded


CostRndR - Total cost of Ready to Bill Transactions; rounded


CostRndW - Total cost of Write-Off Transaction; rounded


CostW - Total cost of Write-Off Transactions


Earned - Total earned revenue (Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue)


ETCAmount - Estimate-to-complete dollars


HoursBudget - Budget hours


ICCAllocAmount - ICC allocated dollars


ICCAllocQty - ICC allocated units


ICCBilled - ICC billed revenue


ICCBudget - ICC budget dollars


ICCBudgetPA - ICC budget percent allocated


ICCBudgetPC - ICC budget percent complete


ICCCost - ICC total cost


ICCCostA - ICC cost of Non-Current transactions


ICCCostB - ICC cost of Billed Transactions


ICCCostH - ICC cost of Hold Transactions


ICCCostMU - ICC marked up value of Cost Transactions


ICCCostMUA - ICC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions


ICCCostMUB - ICC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions


ICCCostMUH - ICC marked up value of Hold Transactions


ICCCostMUN - ICC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions


ICCCostMUR - ICC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions


ICCCostMURnd - ICC marked up value of cost transactions. Rounded


ICCCostMURndA - ICC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostMURndB - ICC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostMURndH - ICC marked up value of Hold Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostMURndN - ICC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostMURndR - ICC marked up value of Ready to Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostMURndW - ICC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostMUW - ICC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions


ICCCostN - ICC cost of Never Bill Transactions


ICCCostR - ICC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions


ICCCostRnd - ICC cost. Rounded


ICCCostRndA - ICC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostRndB - ICC cost of Billed Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostRndH - ICC cost of Hold Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostRndN - ICC cost of Never Bill Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostRndR - ICC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostRndW - ICC cost of Write Off Transactions. Rounded


ICCCostW - ICC cost of Write Off Transactions.


ICCEarned - ICC earned revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue


ICCETCAmount - ICC estimate to complete dollars


ICCETCQty - ICC estimate to complete units


ICCQty - ICC units from cost transactions


ICCQtyA - ICC units from Non-Current Cost Transactions


ICCQtyB - ICC units from Billed Cost Transactions


ICCQtyH - ICC units from Hold Cost Transactions


ICCQtyN - ICC units from Never Bill Cost Transactions


ICCQtyR - ICC units from Ready to Bill Cost Transactions


ICCQtyW - ICC units from Write Off Cost Transactions


ICCUnbilled - ICC unbilled revenue


ICCWip - ICC work in progress


LaborAllocAmount - Labor allocated dollars


LaborAllocHrs - Labor allocated hours


LaborBilled - Labor billed revenue


LaborBilledDirect - Labor billed revenue non-marked up portion


LaborBilledDPEOH - Labor billed revenue DPE plus overhead portion


LaborBilledFixedFee - Labor billed revenue for fixed fee


LaborBilledProfit -Labor billed revenue for profit


LaborBudget - Labor budget dollars


LaborBudgetPA -Labor budget percent allocated


LaborBudgetPC - Labor budget percent complete


LaborCostBR - Labor at the billing rate


LaborCostBRA - Labor at the billing rate for Non-Current Transactions


LaborCostBRB - Labor at the billing rate for Billed Cost Transactions


LaborCostBRH - Labor at the billing rate for Hold Transactions


LaborCostBRN - Labor at the billing rate for Never Bill Transactions


LaborCostBRR - Labor at the billing rate for Ready to Bill Transactions


LaborCostBRRnd - Labor at the billing rate. Rounded


LaborCostBRRndA - Labor at the billing rate for Non-Current Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostBRRndB - Labor at the billing rate for Billed Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostBRRndH - Labor at the billing rate for Hold Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostBRRndN - Labor at the billing rate for Never Bill Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostBRRndR - Labor at the billing rate for Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostBRRndW - Labor at the billing rate for Write Off Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostBRW - Labor at the billing rate for Write Off Transactions


LaborCostJC - Labor at the job cost rate for Non-Current Transactions


LaborCostJCA - Labor at the job cost rate for Non-Current Transactions


LaborCostJCB - Labor at the job cost rate for Billed Transactions


LaborCostJCH - Labor at the job cost rate for Hold Transactions


LaborCostJCN - Labor at the job cost rate for Never Bill Transactions


LaborCostJCR - Labor at the job cost rate for Ready to Bill Transactions


LaborCostJCRnd - Labor at the job cost rate. Rounded


LaborCostJCRndA - Labor at the job cost rate for Non-Current Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostJCRndB - Labor at the job cost rate for Billed Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostJCRndH - Labor at the job cost rate for Hold Cost Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostJCRndN - Labor at the job cost rate for Never Bill Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostJCRndR - Labor at the job cost rate for Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostJCRndW - Labor at the job cost rate for Write Off Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostJCW - Labor at the job cost rate for Write Off Transactions


LaborCostPay - Labor at the pay rate


LaborCostPayA - Labor at the pay rate for Non-Current Transactions


LaborCostPayB - Labor at the pay rate for Billed Transactions


LaborCostPayH - Labor at the pay rate for Hold Cost Transactions


LaborCostPayN - Labor at the pay rate for Never Bill Transactions


LaborCostPayR - Labor at the pay rate for Ready to Bill Transactions


LaborCostPayRnd - Labor at the pay rate. Rounded


LaborCostPayRndA - Labor at the pay rate for Non-Current Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostPayRndB - Labor at the pay rate for Billed Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostPayRndH - Labor at the pay rate for Hold Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostPayRndN - Labor at the pay rate for Never Bill Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostPayRndR - Labor at the pay rate for Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostPayRndW - Labor at the pay rate for Write Off Transactions. Rounded


LaborCostPayW - Labor at the pay rate for Write Off Transactions


LaborEarned - Labor earned revenue. Billed plus unbilled revenue


LaborETCAmount - Labor estimate to complete dollars


LaborETCHrs - Labor estimate to complete hours


LaborOTHrsBill - Labor overtime hours. Wrote up or down


LaborOTHrsBillA - Labor overtime hours for Non-Current Transactions. Written up or down


LaborOTHrsBillB - Labor overtime hours for Billed Transactions. Written up or down


LaborOTHrsBillH - Labor overtime hours for Hold Cost Transactions. Written up or down


LaborOTHrsBillN - Labor overtime hours for Never Bill Transactions. Written up or down


LaborOTHrsBillR - Labor overtime hours for Ready to Bill Transactions. Written up or down


LaborOTHrsBillW - Labor overtime hours for Write Off Transactions. Written up or down


LaborOTHrsWork - Labor overtime hours actually worked


LaborOTHrsWorkA - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Non-Current Transactions


LaborOTHrsWorkB - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Billed Transactions


LaborOTHrsWorkH - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Hold Cost Transactions


LaborOTHrsWorkN - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Never Bill Transactions


LaborOTHrsWorkR - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Ready to Bill Transactions


LaborOTHrsWorkW - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Write Off Transactions


LaborOverallCap - Overall cap amount as specified on the Project Profit Center Sharing screen.


LaborOwnerCap - Cap amount as specified on the Project Profit Center Owner screen.


LaborOwnerLevel - Project Level where ownership is established.  Specified on Project Profit Center Owner screen.


LaborOwnerMethodName - Labor revenue recognition method for project owner.


LaborOwnerPC - Labor revenue recognition percent complete for project owner.


LaborRegHrsBill - Labor non-overtime hours. Written up or down


LaborRegHrsBillA - Labor non-overtime hours for Non-Current Transactions. Written up or down


LaborRegHrsBillB - Labor non-overtime hours for Billed Transactions. Written up or down


LaborRegHrsBillH - Labor non-overtime hours for Hold Cost Transactions. Written up or down


LaborRegHrsBillN - Labor non-overtime hours for Never Bill Transactions. Written up or down


LaborRegHrsBillR - Labor non-overtime hours for Ready to Bill Transactions. Written up or down


LaborRegHrsBillW - Labor non-overtime hours for Write Off Transactions. Written up or down


LaborRegHrsWork - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked


LaborRegHrsWorkA - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Non-Current Transactions


LaborRegHrsWorkB - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Billed Transactions


LaborRegHrsWorkH - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Hold Cost Transactions


LaborRegHrsWorkN - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Never Bill Transactions


LaborRegHrsWorkR - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Ready to Bill Transactions


LaborRegHrsWorkW - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Write Off Transactions


LaborUnbilled - Labor unbilled revenue


LaborWip - Labor work in progress


LateFee - Late fee revenue


OCCAllocAmount - OCC allocated dollars


OCCAllocQty - OCC allocated units


OCCBilled - OCC billed revenue


OCCBilledDirect - OCC billed revenue not marked up portion


OCCBilledMarkup - OCC billed revenue marked up portion


OCCBudget - OCC budget dollars


OCCBudgetPA - OCC budget percent allocated


OCCBudgetPC - OCC budget percent complete


OCCCost - OCC total cost


OCCCostA - OCC cost of Non-Current Transactions


OCCCostB - OCC cost of Billed Transactions


OCCCostH - OCC cost of Hold Cost Transactions


OCCCostMU - OCC marked up value of cost transactions


OCCCostMUA - OCC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions


OCCCostMUB - OCC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions


OCCCostMUH - OCC marked up value of Hold Transactions


OCCCostMUN - OCC marked up value of Never Bill Transactions


OCCCostMUR - OCC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions


OCCCostMURnd - OCC marked up value of cost transactions. Rounded


OCCCostMURndA - OCC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostMURndB - OCC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostMURndH - OCC marked up value of Hold Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostMURndN - OCC marked up value of never bill cost transactions. Rounded


OCCCostMURndR - OCC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostMURndW - OCC marked up value of Write Off Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostMUW - OCC marked up value of Write Off Transactions.


OCCCostN - OCC cost of Never Bill Transactions


OCCCostR - OCC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions


OCCCostRnd - OCC cost. Rounded


OCCCostRndA - OCC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostRndB - OCC cost of Billed Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostRndH - OCC cost of Hold Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostRndN - OCC cost of Never Bill Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostRndR - OCC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostRndW - OCC cost of Write Off Transactions. Rounded


OCCCostW - OCC cost of Write Off Transactions


OCCEarned - OCC earned revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue


OCCETCAmount - OCC estimate to complete dollars.


OCCETCQty - OCC estimate to complete units


OCCQty - OCC units from cost transactions


OCCQtyA - OCC units from Non-Current Cost Transactions


OCCQtyB - OCC units from Billed Cost Transactions


OCCQtyH - OCC units from Hold Cost Transactions


OCCQtyN - OCC units from Never Bill Cost Transactions


OCCQtyR - OCC units from Ready to Bill Cost Transactions


OCCQtyW - OCC units from Write Off Cost Transactions


OCCUnbilled - OCC unbilled revenue


OCCWip - OCC work in progress


ODCAllocAmount - ODC allocated dollars


ODCAllocQty - ODC allocated units


ODCBilled - ODC billed revenue


ODCBilledDirect - ODC billed revenue not marked up portion


ODCBilledMarkup - ODC billed revenue marked up portion


ODCBudget - ODC budget dollars


ODCBudgetPA - ODC budget percent allocated


ODCBudgetPC - ODC budget percent complete


ODCCost - ODC total cost


ODCCostA - ODC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions


ODCCostB - ODC cost of Billed Transactions


ODCCostH - ODC cost of Hold Transactions


ODCCostMU - ODC marked up value of cost transactions


ODCCostMUA - ODC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions


ODCCostMUB - ODC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions


ODCCostMUH - ODC marked up value of Hold Transactions


ODCCostMUN - ODC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions


ODCCostMUR - ODC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions


ODCCostMURnd - ODC marked up value of cost transactions. Rounded


ODCCostMURndA - ODC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostMURndB - ODC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostMURndH - ODC marked up value of Hold Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostMURndN - ODC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostMURndR - ODC marked up value of Ready to Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostMURndW - ODC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostMUW - ODC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions


ODCCostN - ODC cost of Never Bill Transactions


ODCCostR - ODC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions


ODCCostRnd - ODC cost. Rounded


ODCCostRndA - ODC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostRndB - ODC cost of Billed Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostRndH - ODC cost of Hold Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostRndN - ODC cost of Never Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostRndR - ODC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostRndW - ODC cost of Write Off Transactions. Rounded


ODCCostW - ODC cost of Write Off Transactions


ODCEarned - ODC earned revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue


ODCETCAmount - ODC estimate to complete dollars.


ODCETCQty - ODC estimate to complete units


ODCQty - ODC units from cost transactions


ODCQtyA - ODC units from Non-Current Cost Transactions


ODCQtyB - ODC units from Billed Cost Transactions


ODCQtyH - ODC units from Hold Cost Transactions


ODCQtyN - ODC units from Never Bill Cost Transactions


ODCQtyR - ODC units from Ready to Bill Cost Transactions


ODCQtyW - ODC units from Write Off Transactions


ODCUnbilled - ODC unbilled revenue


ODCWip - ODC work in progress


ProjectDPE - DPE dollars applied


ProjectOH - Overhead dollars applied


Recvd - Received dollars


Retainage - Retainage revenue


Retainer - Retainer revenue


Unbilled - Unbilled revenue


Wip - Work in progress