Projects Project Administration>Projects |
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Overview There are five types of projects in InFocus: 1. Billable Projects - Projects that can be invoiced and require a client. 2. Indirect Projects - Projects that are overhead projects. They can be charged to but, never invoiced. 3. Opportunities - Opportunities are similar to indirect projects. However, they are client-related, and charges can be placed on hold. If an opportunity becomes a billable project, the charges on hold can then be either billed or written off. 4. Projection - A projection cannot receive charges. Projections are used to record estimated revenue for future endeavors. Projects can always change their type. 5. Plan - Plans cannot receive charges. Plans only exist for the purpose of project planning.
Note - All projects can have an unlimited breakdown (WBS). You can assign names, such as phase and task, to the levels of the WBS. An entire WBS can be created from a template project. Portions of the WBS can be constructed from system WBS templates.