Addresses Tab Project Administration>Projects |
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Overview The Addresses Tab contains the addresses within the Project selected.
Addresses can be set up for the following items in InFocus.
Note: Addresses can be named to categorize addresses for reuse. For instance, clients can have multiple offices. Naming addresses allows you to set up an address for each office and then associate client contacts with a particular office address. If the information of the named address changes, you can cascade those changes to all associated (linked) addresses in entirely, or for only fields that have a value.
Sometimes addresses have specific uses, as in the case of bill-to, pay-to and remit-to addresses. These can be unassociated addresses or linked addresses. Typically, they will be linked addresses, which means you first will want to enter them as a named address prior to references them as a bill-to, pay-to and remit-to addresses.
Addresses have the following fields