Copy a Transaction Accounts Payable>Employee Reimbursables

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How to Copy a Transaction. When copying  a transaction, you will find this feature especially useful if there are little or no data changes in the transaction (rent, for example). The steps to copying a transaction are as follows:


Step 1 - Recall the transaction to be copied to the screen.

Step 2 - Select Copy from the toolbar.

Step 3 - You will then be prompted for up to four pieces of information. These are:


Check Number - Refers to the check number from a received payment which is added to the transaction to be copied (in the Receipts Journal).


Key Field - The key asked for, depends on the journal. (For example, in the Purchase Journal it is the vendor invoice number, in the Disbursements Journal it is the check number.)


Transaction Date - The transaction date depends on the journal. (For example, in the Purchase Journal it is the invoice date , in the Disbursements Journal it is the check date.)


G/L Period - G/L period for the new transaction. Must be an open period.


Mark New Entry as Posted - When checked, the new entry will be flagged as posted. (Only available based on global settings)
