Create a Comment Template Utilities>Comment Templates

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How to create an expense comment template.


Step 1 - Click New, located on the toolbar, name the template and click OK. (Fig.1)




Step 2 - Next, fill out the columns with the appropriate information (descriptions below) and click Generate. (Fig.2) Hit Save and the template is created.

Field Name - This is the internal field that is used to display the entered value in the comment box in the timesheet and PA/PM Bill review. Do not modify this field in the comment layout.
Label - This is the name of the field that the user will see when the box pops up to enter the information.
Data Type - This is the data type of the information that is being entered by the employee.  Choices are (Number,Short Text, Long Text, Yes/No,Date, Time and Date/Time)
Required - Determines whether this information is required when entering this type of expense.


(Fig. 2)


Step 3 - Now go to the Expense Groups applet (Project Administration).  Click on the Expense Codes tab and select the expense code that will be using the template. (Fig.3)




Step 4 - Scroll to the right and find the column named Comment Template and select the new template.(Fig. 4)  Click Save.




Step 5 - Now when an employee goes to enter this expense, they will be prompted to enter the required information. (Fig.5)

