Project Admin Tab Administration>Global Settings

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Settings on this tab affect the setup of Projects.



Field Definitions


Default Labor Multipliers


Direct Personal Expense (DPE) - Default DPE multiplier for projects.


Overhead - Default overhead multiplier for projects. If only a combined multiplier is used, use this and set DPE and Profit to 1.


Profit - Default profit multiplier for projects.


Direct Non-Labor Multipliers


Other Direct Charges (ODC) - Default ODC multiplier for projects.


Out-Of-Contract-Consultants (OCC) - Default OCC multiplier for projects.


Default Rate Schedules


Direct Job Cost - Default job cost rate schedule for direct projects.


Direct Bill - Default bill rate schedule for direct projects.


Indirect Job Cost - Default job cost rate schedule for indirect projects.


Indirect Bill - Default bill rate schedule for indirect projects.


Opportunity Job Cost - Default job cost rate schedule for opportunity-type projects.


Opportunity Bill - Default bill rate schedule for opportunity-type projects.


Default Project Figures Report


Defines the default Project Figures Report to run for Projects


Project Central Default Overhead Calculation Method


Defines the default calculation method for Overhead according to one of the following options


Job Cost less Pay - Calculates Overhead using Job Cost minus Pay
Overhead Allocation - Utilizes per project Overhead Allocation amounts defined in Utilities>Overhead Allocation




Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - Character that delimits or separates the codes at different levels of the WBS. It is used for separation between all codes except for the roll-up node of a project. This character cannot be contained in any code.


Example. 9801-10-A would represent project 9801 phase 10 task A with a hyphen used as the delimiter.


Project Name - Character that separates the project names at different levels of the WBS.


Roll up Node - Character that delimits a roll up node from the project node. It can use the same delimiter as the rest of the WBS. It cannot be contained in any code.


Example. 9801.01-10-A would represent roll up 9801 project 01 phase 10 task A with a hyphen used as the WBS delimiter and a period used as the roll up delimiter.



Profit Centers


Project Sharing Profit Center Level - Organization level at which profit sharing can be assigned.


Example - Office or department or division.


Allow multiple profit centers per project - Enables profit sharing between profit centers within a project.



Default Expense Groups


Direct - Defines the default Expense Group for Direct Projects
Indirect - Defines the default Expense Group for Indirect Projects
Opportunity - Defines the default Expense Group for Opportunity Projects


Labor Codes


Required by Default Check Box - When checked, Labor Codes are required by default.


Default Opportunity Bill Status


Here you can select the Default Bill Status for Opportunity projects.  These features do not limit the statuses; they simply specify the default value on a new transaction.