Invoice Posting Groups Utilities>Invoice Posting |
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Overview The Invoice posting groups allow you to override the normal G/L posting accounts in automated invoicing. The accounts found on the Posting Accounts tab in Automated Invoicing are the same ones you can set up in an Invoice Posting Group. Once you have set one or more Groups you can then right click on any level of the WBS in Project Explorer (in Project Administration) and select Invoice Posting Groups to assign the group. The system will hunt up the WBS tree (lowest level to top level) to find a G/L account. If none is found it uses the account found in Automated Invoicing. There are two exceptions. First the A/R account will only be looked at on the top level of the WBS. In other words it has no effect on phases and tasks. Secondly, if you are posting to the expense code and the expense code has either a billed revenue or markup revenue account assigned in expense codes or expense groups then that will override any assignment in the posting group.