Modules/Applets Utilities>Custom Reports

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This tab defines from which Module(s) and/or Applet(s) the selected Custom Report type can be accessed.






Field Descriptions


Module - Indicates the module from which the custom report type can be accessed
Applet - Indicates the applet from which the custom report type can be accessed
Type - Indicates where the custom report type is accessed from within the selected applet (required when selecting an applet)
oToolbar - Adds a toolbar option for the custom report type
oOn Create - Launches the custom report type on creation of an applet record
oOn Save - Launches the custom report type upon saving an applet record
oOn Delete - Launches the custom report type upon deletion of an applet record
oOn Load - Launches the custom report type upon the successful load of the selected applet
Reload - Indicates an applet screen reload upon completion of the report type in the selected applet


Please note, specifically for Actions, below is a chart listing support event types:
