How to Move, Copy, and Delete an Org. Unit.
Instructions are as follows:
Moving an Org. Unit
• | Org. units can be moved by cutting and pasting. Right click on the unit to be moved and then select Cut. Next, right click on the node to which the unit should be moved and select Paste. Note that this moves all children as well. |
Copying an Org. Unit
• | Org. units can be copied from one position of the tree to another. This is usually done between nodes on the same level. Right click on the node to be copied, and then right click on the node to be copied to. |
• | Two options will appear - Paste and Paste with G/L Accounts. Choosing Paste with G/L Accounts will copy all G/L base account references, as well as the org. unit. When pasting the org. code and name may be changed. Note that when copying, all children org. units are also copied. |
• | A node and all of its children can be promoted to a Level One by pasting onto a blank area of the tree. |
Deleting an Org. Unit
• | An org. unit can be deleted by right-clicking on a node and selecting Delete. |
• | Deleting an org. unit will also delete any child org. units. |
• | An org. unit may not be deleted if it is referenced in any Labor or G/L transaction. In this case, merge the org. unit with another and then delete the org. unit. |
Note: Each of the actions listed above can be accessed through the choice option in the Right Click box.