Notes Tab Marketing>Firms

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The Notes Tab is where notes are recorded for firms, contacts, and projects. There is no limit to the number of notes or the length of any note. Notes are stored with a date and timestamp when entered. The creator of the note is recorded, but all users allowed into a particular Notes applet can access all notes, regardless of creator. Activities can also be associated and established with notes. Activities are calendar events.


Note: The user must establish at least one activity type in List Management before entering a note. Note types are used to categorize notes. Examples of note types might be Marketing or Customer Support.


Note: As is the case with notes, activity types are used to categorize activities and the user must establish at least one activity type in List Management. Examples of activity types might be Call Back or Appointment.


Field Descriptions Below



Note Detail - Enter message to be displayed here.


Contact - Contact Name
Project - Project the Note is regarding
Schedule Follow Up Activity - When checked, this section will become active. The user can then schedule a follow-up activity. Type, Date, Time, and Duration are selected.
Note Type (Drop Down) - Type of Note Posting (Phone Call, Meeting, E-Mail, Appointment, Lunch, and Dinner are the choices).


Show Until Marked Complete - When checked, the activity remains on the Upcoming Activities List until it is marked complete. If not marked complete, it will come off the list once the date has expired.
Add Note - When the Add Note bar is pressed, the note is posted in the Notes grid at the bottom of the screen.
Cancel - Cancels the current note.


Existing Notes (drop-down) - Contains a list of existing notes.