Make Recurring Entries Accounts Payable>Employee Reimbursables

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How to enter recurring entries. Recurring entries can be made for all Journals except Employee Reimbursable and the Disbursements (Cash Disbursements) Journal. Recurring entries are implemented by using a mass copy operation.


Step 1 - To make a recurring entry, you must first enter one transaction.

Step 2 - The user then uses the Recurring Entry button to copy a specified number of times, beginning with a specified G/L period.

Note - In the case of purchases and sales, the invoice number assigned will be the same as the G/L period code. The recurring entry button becomes activated when you recall an existing transaction to the screen (this will be the transaction it copies).

Step 3 - The user will need to supply three pieces of information when the Recurring Entry option is selected.


Number of Transactions - Number of copies


G/L Period - First or starting G/L period for the first copy. Will automatically increment for each subsequent copy


Transaction Date - First transaction date for the first copy. Automatically adds thirty days for each subsequent copy.


Note - The user must have the required G/L periods established. They do not have to be open periods.

