Activity Editor Marketing>Activities

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The Activity Editor allows you to enter/edit Activities.



Field Descriptions

Subject - Activity subject line
Date - Date of the scheduled activity
Time - Time of the scheduled activity
Duration - Duration of the scheduled activity
Type - Type of Activity. A User Defined Field. The Activity Type list is managed under Administration>List Management>Activity Types
Show Until Marked Complete - When checked, the activity will appear in the Upcoming Events list until it is marked complete. Otherwise, it will no longer show in the list once the date has expired.
Contact - Contact associated with activity
oWork Phone - Work Phone of selected Contact
oCell Phone - Cell Phone of selected Contact
oHome Phone - Home Phone of selected Contact
oFax - Fax of selected Contact
oWork Email - Work Email of selected Contact
oHome Email - Home Email of selected Contact
Employee - Employee to assign the activity to. Only enabled with Can Assign Other Employees special right assigned via AD>Permissions.
Firm - Firm associated with the scheduled activity
Project - Project associated with the scheduled activity.
Completed - Marks the Activity as Complete.  If "Show Until Marked Complete" flag is checked, the Activity will no longer show on the calendar.