A/R Collections Accounts Receivable>A/R Collections

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A/R Collections is used to facilitate the collection of outstanding invoices. The screen allows for the filter of receivables by Date, Client, A/R Account, Project Leader and Currency (multi-currency only). Transaction balances can be aged by invoice or due date.


Click Load Collections and the appropriate A/R transactions will appear in the grid. Like other grids in InFocus, the collection grid can be filtered and sorted by each column. 


A/R Collections are managed per invoice. Click an invoice row in the grid to review the details in the right-hand pane. Multiple invoice rows can be selected for Email Delivery from the toolbar. 


Note Email Delivery is a feature of Invoice Delivery / Payments


How to load Invoices for Review


From A/R Collections, follow these steps to review invoices.


1Set Filters as appropriate
2Click Load Collections
3Select an invoice row to review in the right-hand pane. Note, multiple invoice rows can be selected for Email Delivery from the toolbar.
4Collection efforts can now be managed


Managing Collections


Collections can be managed using the tabs in the right-hand pane when clicking an invoice row. Additionally, multiple invoices can be selected if you wish to queue invoice emails or reminder emails using Email Delivery (located on the toolbar). 

Below is a list of tools for managing collections.



Review related transactions, clicking the pencil icon to browse to the transaction record


Make ongoing comments regarding collection efforts, etc. Note, other users can also interact with this comment thread which is helpful for collaboration


Enter notes related to collection efforts, etc.


Review and manage Documents related to the invoice

Delivery / Payment

Send and manage invoice and reminder emails or view the invoice online. Optionally override Delivery / Payment settings per invoice. Note, this tab requires Invoice Delivery / Payments setup via AR>Delivery / Payments.

Email History

Review detailed tracking on previously emailed invoices. Note, this tab requires Invoice Delivery / Payments setup via AR>Delivery / Payments.

Email Delivery (toolbar)

Use to send invoice or reminder emails for multiple invoices by checking invoice rows. Note, this tab requires Invoice Delivery / Payments setup via AR>Delivery / Payments.

Invoice No. (Column Hyperlink)

Click to view the invoice


Note For more information on using Invoice Delivery / Payments referred to throughout this section, please refer to Invoice Delivery / Payments


Field Descriptions


View Previous Invoices - Click to view invoices for the selected invoice
Email Delivery -  Displays a list of feature options for invoice delivery and payments including sending invoice and reminder emails. Note Delivery / Payment options are a feature of Invoice Delivery / Payments.



Load Collections (upper right) - When selected, the grid will display all outstanding A/R that meet the selected criteria.




Filters are listed in a collapsible left-hand pane and include the following options.




As Of Period - Period used to cut off the outstanding invoices.
Aging Date - Date used to determine the Age (Days Old) of an invoice.


Age By


Invoice Date - When selected, the Invoice Date is used in conjunction with the Aging Date to determine the Age of an invoice.
Due Date - When selected, the Due Date is used in conjunction with the Aging Date to determine the Age of an invoice.




All Clients - When selected, the A/R Collections grid will show all outstanding A/R.
Selected Client - When a client is selected, the A/R Collections grid will show only outstanding A/R for that client.


A/R Accounts


All A/R Accounts - When selected, the A/R Collections grid will show all outstanding A/R.
Selected A/R Account - When an A/R Account is selected, the A/R Collections grid will show only outstanding A/R for that A/R Account.


Project Leaders


Project Manager - When a Project Manager is selected, the A/R Collections grid will show only outstanding A/R for projects that have the specified Employee as a Project Manager.
Project Accountant - When a Project Accountant is selected, the A/R Collections grid will show only outstanding A/R for projects that have the specified Employee as a Project Accountant.
Principal In Charge - When a Principal In Charge is selected, the A/R Collections grid will show only outstanding A/R for projects that have the specified Employee as a Principal In Charge.


Currency (Multi-Currency only)


Invoicing Currency for which to filter


A/R Collections Grid


Check box - Check to select one or more invoices for Email Delivery. Note Delivery / Payment options are a feature of Invoice Delivery / Payments.
Pencil Icon - Click to browse to the Sales Journal entry
Code - Firm code
Firm - Firm name
Invoice No. - Invoice number. Click to view invoice.
Age - Days old
Invoice Date - Invoice Date
Projects - Project that invoice is associated with
Contact - Name entered in Bill To Attention line in the Client file located at Clients>General Tab.
Phone - Client phone number
Invoice Amount - Amount of invoice
Balance - Amount due. Note, displays green if receipts exist for the invoice.
Comments - Invoice comments entered either in PA Bill Review or on the Billing Tab in the Project. When invoice Comments are entered here, the date of the entry and the person who entered the comment is also recorded.
Note - This is a note saved at the Client Level. Clicking on the firm note icon will bring up the A/R memo screen. Here you can record collection notes.
InFocus Pay - Send status of emails sent via Delivery / Payments. Note Delivery / Payment options are a feature of Invoice Delivery / Payments.
Email - Email for invoices to be sent. Email listed will either be an overriding email (as defined on the Delivery / Payments tab, see below), Project Invoice Email listed on the PR>Projects>Billing tab or Client email listed under Main Email on the AR>Clients>Billing tab.


A/R Collection Tabs


Collections can be managed using the tabs in the right-hand pane (collapsible) when clicking an invoice row.


Transactions - List of transactions made against the invoice
Comments - Invoice comments entered either in PA Bill Review or on the Billing Tab in the Project. When invoice Comments are entered here, the date of the entry and the person who entered the comment is also recorded.
Note - Note - This is a note saved at the Client Level. Clicking on the firm note icon will bring up the A/R memo screen. Here you can record collection notes.
Documents - Review and manage documents related to the invoice
Delivery / Payments - Displays a list of feature options for invoice delivery and payments including override settings per invoice, sending invoice and reminder emails, viewing invoices online, etc. Note Delivery / Payment options are a feature of Invoice Delivery / Payments.
oUse Custom Settings - When checked, all overrides are used even blank values, etc.
oClick Save to retain override settings on the invoice
oQueue - Queues invoice email for delivery
oQueue Reminder - Queues reminder email for delivery
oView Invoice Online - Click to view invoice online
oMore details can be found under Invoice Delivery / Payments.