Emailing Invoices

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Emailing invoices expedites A/R and lessens the impact on collections. Additionally, this serves your clients by making it easy to receive and respond to your invoice. This effort can be centralized with InFocus Automated Invoicing.


Automated Invoicing helps you process invoices in a batch which means you can also email invoices in a batch. This greatly reducing the time you spend sending invoices.


If your system is validated for our advance invoice delivery feature set (see Invoice Delivery / Payments), you can click Queue Delivery to email the invoice and corresponding backup documents.


When clicking Email from the Invoice Tab toolbar, you'll be prompted with the Email Invoices dialogue.



Field Descriptions


cc: - Add cc’d (carbon copy) recipients
bcc: - Add bcc’d (blind carbon copy) recipients
subject: - Subject of the email. While the default is configured in Global Settings, this can be edited here.
body - Body of the email. While the default is configured in Global Settings, this can be edited here.
recipients - Review recipient details.
Email addresses can be entered/edited here. Alternatively, you can setup a default email address for each client in Accounts Receivable>Clients>Billing tab. This default address can be overridden per project via Project Administration>Projects>Billing tab. 
All recipients will be checked to receive an email, however, uncheck the box next to the recipient should you wish to exclude. Note - this does not affect the invoice posting process, only the email(s) to be sent.
From: - From address for the email. If clients reply to your email, it will be delivered to this address.
Invoices, Recipients - Indicates the number of invoices and number of recipients
Send preview to: - Send a preview email to a specified email address. Enter the email address and click Send Preview
Send button - Sends the email(s)
Close button - Closes the dialogue


Using Variables


Variables are used to personalize your emails. For instance, include the Invoice Number in the body of your email and InFocus will tailor your email for each recipient accordingly. Variables are supported for use in the subject line and body of emails.




"Please find the following invoice attached for project @PROJECTPATH@, Invoice Number @INVOICENO@."


"Please find the following invoice attached for project 20140000-001, Invoice Number 51.


Supported Variables


Please note, use ALL CAPS when using variables.


@FIRMCODE@ - InFocus firm code. Available to both Subject and Body of email in Automated Invoicing.
@FIRMNAME@ - InFocus firm name. Available to both Subject and Body of email in Automated Invoicing.
@INVOICEAMOUNT@ - Amount of the invoice. Available to both Subject and Body of email in Automated Invoicing.
@INVOICENO@ - Invoice number. Available to both Subject and Body of email in Automated Invoicing.
@PROJECTPATH@ - Project path (e.g. 20140000-100). Available to both Subject and Body of email in Automated Invoicing.
@PROJECTNAME@ - Project name. Available to both Subject and Body of email in Automated Invoicing.