Posting Accounts Tab Accounts Receivable>Automated Invoicing

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The Posting Accounts tab displays the default posting G/L Accounts for invoicing. Each account is used to post to a specified type of revenue. As such, InFocus will only allow accounts that match the metric profile of the type of account (e.g. Fixed Fee should utilize an account configured for Income - Billed Revenue - Labor - Fixed Fee).


Note While these accounts can be overridden per user, default accounts can be established company-wide in AD>Global Settings>Revenue Posting Accounts tab.


Field Descriptions

Posting Accounts

A/R Account - A/R account to process. Required.
Direct Labor - Base account to which the base amount for hourly labor is posted.
Overhead - Base account to which the DPE plus OH amount for hourly labor is posted.
Labor Profit - Base account to which the profit portion for hourly labor is posted.
Fixed Fee - Base account to which the fixed fee is posted.
Direct ODC - Base account to which the non-marked up portion of OCC expenses is posted.
Profit ODC - Base account to which the marked-up portion of ODC expenses is posted to.
Direct OCC - Base account to post non-marked up portion of OCC expenses to.
Profit OCC - Base account to post marked-up portion of OCC expenses to. If not supplied, direct account is used.
ICC - Base account to which ICC portion of fixed fee is posted.
Retainage - Base account to use for retainage.
Retainer - Base account to use for retainers.
Error G/L - G/L account to use when an account derivation cannot be achieved.