Convert to Cash (Cash Based Conversion) General Accounting>Chart of Accounts

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When running reports on a "Cash Basis" you must first run the Convert to Cash Utility. To get to the utility, go to General Accounting> Chart of Accounts> Tools (toolbar)> Convert to Cash.   The Convert to Cash utility populates the Cash Based Journals (Receipt & Disbursements) at the point of running it.


Key Concepts

Description - By running the Convert to Cash utility,you are able to do the following:
oAccounting information can be reported based on accrual and cash figures.
oAccrual figures are automatically kept in real time and require no calculation.
oCash figures updates are based only on the last time the conversion process from accrual to cash was executed.

Note: Accrual figures are maintained separately and are not impacted by this process. Cash reporting is available for the General Ledger, Trial Balance, Financial Statements, and three journals (Receipts, Disbursements, and General Journal).