Invoice Groups Accounts Receivable>Clients

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Invoice groups allow for billing more than one project on a single invoice. Each project still has its own invoice design. A coversheet is used to summarize the invoices.



Key Concepts

Invoice Groups are established on the client record. Tey are accessed from the toolbar Accounts Receivable>Clients>Tools (Toolbar)>Invoice Groups.
They allow for multiple Projects (Bill Terms Node) from a common client to be invoiced under a single invoice number.
Each project uses it own master invoice design. This means, while projects share the same invoice and are generated in the same run, they do not appear on the same piece of paper.
A cover sheet invoice section can be assigned that will summarize the multiple projects' current billing info.

Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Invoice Group pop-up.


Name - Name of Invoice Group. This appears in the "Name" grid on the left after you save.
Tracking No. - This is the "Next invoice number" for this billing group. Note: Only used when invoice incrementing is set to "Project".
Description - User-entered description.


Remit To Address

Office - Company office as established in global settings
Attn. - Attention that shows on the Coversheet when invoicing.


Bill To Address

Use Client Bill-To Address - When checked, client Bill-to address is used.
Use Other Address - Specifies an already established client address to use in place of the client Bill-to address.
Bill-To Attention - Attention line.


Cover Sheet

System - System cover sheet design to use.
Custom - User cover sheet design. Not applicable when Clearview is used.