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Throughout the Approver applet, you'll find a similar set of columns available to the base grids used. Below is a list of definitions:



Field Descriptions


Standard Columns


Time Sheets Grid


Employee - Employee associated with the loaded time sheet
Status - Approval status of the time sheet.
oUnsubmitted - Time Sheet has not been submitted
oPending - Time Sheet lines are partially approved. Only available when using **line-item approval**.
oReady for Approval - Time Sheet is submitted and ready for approval. When using **line-item approval**, also denotes all line items have been approved.
oApproved - Time Sheet has been approved
oRejected - Time Sheet has been rejected
Period End - Period End Date of the Time Sheet
Regular Hours - Regular Work Hours
Premium Hours - Overtime Hours
Total Hours - Total hours for the time sheet
Documents - Number of documents associated with the Time Sheet. Click to review documents.


Time Sheet Detail Grid


Time Sheet Detail Grid displays line items associated with the selected time sheet.


Work Date - Date the hours were worked
Hours - Number of hours worked
Is Premium - When checked, the hours are considered overtime
Path - Project Path associated with the record
Job Code - Job Title code associated with the record
Labor Code - Labor Code associated with the record
Location Code - Location associated with the record
Comment - Time Sheet line comment


Expense Sheets Grid


ESID - Internal Expense Sheet ID. Click to view the Expense Sheet in PR>Expense Sheets.
Status - Approval status of the record.
oUnsubmitted - Expense Sheet has not been submitted
oPending - Expense Sheet lines are partially approved. Only available when using **line-item approval**.
oReady for Approval - Expense Sheet is submitted and ready for approval. When using **line-item approval**, also denotes all line items have been approved.
oApproved - Expense Sheet has been approved
oRejected - Expense Sheet has been rejected
Employee - Employee associated with the loaded record
Title - Expense Sheet title
Amount - Total amount of the Expense Sheet
Reimbursable Amount - Total amount to be reimbursed to the Employee.
Documents - Number of documents associated with the Expense Sheet. Click to review documents.


Expense Sheet Detail Grid


Expense Sheet Detail Grid displays line items associated with the selected expense sheet.


Line Status - Approval status of the line item
WBS Path - Project path associated with the record
WBS Name - Project long name associated with the record
Tx Date - Date of the expense
Amount - Total amount of the expense line
Reimbursable - Total amount to be reimbursed to the employee for the expense line (e.g. reimbursable portion of the expense line)
Expense Code - Expense Code associated with the expense line
Credit Card - When checked, the expense was made with a company credit card and is not reimbursable.
Client Code - Client code associated with the record
Client Name - Client name associated with the record
Documents - Number of documents associated with the Expense Sheet line. Click to review documents.


Time Sheet Lines Summary Grid


Project - Project Name associated with the item
Code - Project Code associated with the item
Employee - Employee associated with the item
Hours - Total Hours on Time Sheet


Time Sheet Lines Detail Grid


Reject (button) - Rejects the selected time / expense sheets
Approve (button) - Approves the selected time / expense sheets
Toggle Checked - When checked, all of the time / expense sheets in the grid will be selected or deselected.
WBS Path - Project Path associated with the line item
Project - Project Name associated with the line item
Employee - Employee associated with the item
Period Start - Period Start Date of the Time Sheet
Period End - Period End Date of the Time Sheet
Total Hours - Total Hours for the line item to be approved



Additional Columns


Below are additional columns available by clicking the column chooser (gear icon).


Time / Expense Sheet Grid


Approved By - User who approved the line item
Approved Date - Date approved
Documents - Number of documents associated with the Time Sheet. Click to review documents.
Employee - Employee Name of the user who submitted the item
Employee Code - Employee Code of the user who submitted the item
ESID - Internal Expense Sheet ID
Last Rejection Date - Date of most recent rejection
Last Rejection Reason - Reason provided for most recent rejection
Lines Approved - Count of associated lines approved
Lines Rejected - Count of associated lines rejected
Lines Waiting - Count of lines awaiting approval/rejection
Non-Reimbursement Amount - Amount of non-reimbursable items
Reimbursable Amount - Amount of reimbursable items
Period Days - Number of days in the Time Sheet period
Period End - Period End Date of the Time Sheet
Period Start - Period Start Date of the Time Sheet
Premium Hours - Overtime Hours
Regular Hours - Regular Work Hours
Status - Approval status of the time/expense sheet.
oUnsubmitted - Time/Expense Sheet has not been submitted
oPending - Time/Expense Sheet lines are partially approved. Only available when using **line-item approval**.
oReady for Approval - Time/Expense Sheet is submitted and ready for approval. When using **line-item approval**, also denotes all line items have been approved.
oApproved - Time/Expense Sheet has been approved
oRejected - Time/Expense Sheet has been rejected
Submit By - User who submitted the item
Submit Date - Date submitted
Time ID - Internal Time Sheet ID
Title - Title of the Expense Sheet


Time/Expense Sheet Detail Grid


Amount - Amount of the expense line item
Charge Code - Charge Org Code associated with the item
Charge Name - Charge Org Name associated with the item
Client (Name) - Client Name associated with item
Client Code - Client Code associated with the item
Comment - Comments associated with the line item
Credit Card - Designation of whether the item as purchased with a Company Credit Card. 1=Yes/True.
Documents - Number of documents associated with the Time Sheet. Click to review documents.
Emp Code - Employee code associated with the item
Emp Name (Employee) - Employee name associated with the item
ESID - Internal Expense Sheet ID
ESName - Expense Sheet Name
Expense Code - Expense Code assosiated with the line item
Expense Name - Expense Code Name associated with the line item
Hours - Work hours
Internal Comment - Notes (internal) associated with the line item
Is Premium - Designation of overtime, 1=Yes/True
Job Code - Job Title code associated with the item
Job Title - Job Title name associated with the item
Labor Code - Labor Code associated with the item
Labor Name - Labor Code Name associated with the item
Location - Location associated with the item
Location Code - Location Code associated with the item
Non Reimbursable - Non-Reimbursable amount of the line item
Path - Project Path associated with the item
Project Code - Project Code associated with the line item
Project Name - Project Name associated with the line item
QTY - Quantity
Reimbursable - Reimbursable amount of the line item
Status - Approval Status of the entry
TxDate - Expense date of the line item
Unit Rate - Unit Rate associated with teh line item
WBS Path - Project Path associated with the item
WBS Name - Project Long Name associated with the item
Work Date - Date the hours were worked
Work ID - Work Order ID associated with the item
Work Order - Work Order Title associated with the item


Time/Expense Sheet Lines Summary Grid


Emp ID - Internal ID of the employee associated with the item
My Role - Logged in user's role (PM, PIC, PA) designated on the project associated with the item
Project ID - Internal ID of the Project associated with the item


Time/Expense Sheet Lines Detail Grid


Comments - Comments associated with the line item
Emp ID - Internal ID of the employee associated with the line item
ESID - Internal ID of the Expense Sheet associated with the line item
Internal Comment - Notes (internal) associated with the line item
Leader Type - Logged in user's role (PM, PIC, PA) designated on the project associated with the item
Line - Line number of the row displayed in the grid
Project - Project associated with the item
Project ID - Internal ID of the Project associated with the item
Project Code - Project Code associated with the line item
Time ID - Internal ID of the Time Sheet