Client Inquiry

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The Client Inquiry report allows you to search for invoices, amounts billed, and other cost amounts paid to vendors


Note: This report is run for a date range.  You may not see the same figures if you are trying to compare this to an Income Statement or a Balance Sheet that uses a GL Period as a Date Filter.


Data: That data is collected from the Disbursements, Receipts, and the Sales Journals




Date Ranges

Start & End Date - Filters the data by the transaction date on the Journal entry.



Client Code - Allows you to filter to a specific Client. When blank, All Clients are returned.
G/L Account - Specifies the account to limit the report. When blank, all accounts are returned
Transaction Type - Allows you to filter report by Invoice or Payment types or to include both.
Show Invoice - If checked, will display invoiced amount in report.
Show Project - If checked, will display associated project with invoice.
Show WBS - If checked, will display the Work Breakdown Structure of the project.
Show Transaction Detail - If checked, will display invoice/check item detail
Only Active Clients - If checked, filters the report only for vendors marked "active" in the Vendors applet.
Open Invoices Only - If checked, only returns unpaid invoices
Show Client Type - When selected, the report will display Client Type in the results. Client Type is managed in Administration> List Managemment
Sort by Client Type - When selected, the report will sort/group by Client Type.
Invoice Currency - The Invoice Currency to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency



Report Columns

Trans Number - Invoice # (Disbursement & Sales Journal) or Check # (Receipt)
Transaction Type - Invoice (Sales Journal) or Check (Disbursement & Receipt Journal).
Project Amount - The Cost Amount from the Disbursement Journals. The Amount from the Sales and Receipt Journals.
Invoice Amount - The detailed Cost Amount from the Disbursement Journals.
Paid Amount - The Cost Amount from the Disbursement Journals and the Amount from the Receipts Journals.
Other Amount - The Cost Amount from the Receipts Journals.

