Labor Distribution Detail Report

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The Labor Distribution Detail Report displays the breakdown for labor distribution entries for a given G/L period range. You are able to specify up to five (5) sorting/grouping levels.


Data: That data is collected from the Adjustment Journal, including only entries that have been flagged as a Labor Distribution Entry.

Note: For data to populate this report, you must be using the Labor Distribution functionality of InFocus. More on Labor Distribution.





Date Ranges

Starting Period - Beginning Period used to filter the transactions that are brought into this report.
Ending Period - Ending Period used to filter the transactions that are brought into this report.



Org. Unit - When selected, the report will return Labor Distributions that go against the specified Org. Unit.
Consolidate G/L Accounts - When selected, the GL Code will be consolidated to just the Base Code of the GL Account.
Transaction Currency - The Transaction Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Show Recap - When selected, A GL Code summary will display at the bottom of the report.


1st Sort - When selected, the data will be grouped by the following options: Project, Employee, Transaction, G/L Period, G/L Account and <None>
2nd Sort - Same as above
3rd Sort - Same as above
4th Sort - Same as above
5th Sort - Same as above



Report Columns

Sort Name - Option selected from the prompt.
Sort Code - Code of item selected from prompt.
Sort Name - Name of item selected from prompt.
Amount - Amount associated with the item selected from prompt.

