Pay History

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The Pay History report shows employee pay history which can be useful when performing employee reviews.


Data: The information of this report comes from the Pay History tab located in tHR> Employees.






Employee - When selected, The report only returns the specified Employee. When left blank, all are returned.
Org. Unit - When selected, The report only returns the specified Org. Unit associated with the Employees. When left blank, all are returned.
Approver - When selected, The report only returns the specified Employees where the selected Approver is the Approver of that employee. When left blank, all are returned.
Active Employees Only - When selected, only Active Employees are returned.
Include Subcontractors - When selected, Employees flagged as "Subcontractors" (HR> Employees> Employee Info Tab> Company Info Section) are included on the report.
Latest Pay Rate Only - When selected, only the most recent pay rate is returned in the report.




Report Columns

Employee - Proper Name of the Employee
Approver - The Default Approver of the Employee.
Hired - Hire Date
Org. - Org Unit assigned to the Employee.
Terminated - Termination Date
Target % - Target % Assigned to the Employee.


Pay History

Start Date - Start Date of the Pay Rate.
End Date - End Date of the Pay Rate.
Salary Per Period - The Salary Amount Paid per pay period.
Regular Rate - The Regular Pay Rate of an hourly employee.
Overtime Rate - The Overtime Pay Rate of an hourly employee.
Pct Increase - The Percent of Pay Increase since the last pay history range.
Exempt - When an employee is flagged as hourly, exempt equals no.

