The Rate Schedule Detail report lists the rate schedule setup including employees and job titles assigned and rates. A Rate Schedule can have multiple dates assigned to it, so the Active Date will return the Rate Schedule detail for the date range that the Active Date falls in.
• | Active Date - A Rate Schedule can have multiple dates assigned to it, so the Active Date will return the Rate Schedule detail for the date range that the Active Date falls in. |
• | Schedule Name - Rate Schedule to be reported on. |
Report Columns
• | Job Title - Job Title to be analyzed from the Time Sheet to get the rate. Leave Blank for all Job Titles. |
• | Employee - Employee to be analyzed from the Time Sheet to get the rate. Leave Blank for all Employees. |
• | Reg Base Rate - Overriding Regular Pay Rate (Rate Editor> Base Rates Section> Pay Rate) to be calculated against the DPE, Overhead and Profit Multipliers. |
• | OT Base Rate - Overriding Overtime Pay Rate (Rate Editor> Base Rates Section> Premium Rate) to be calculated against the DPE, Overhead and Profit Multipliers. Note: Must have "Apply Multipliers on Premium Portion" checked in Rate Editor for this to calculate. |
• | Flat Reg Rate - Overriding Regular Pay Rate (Rate Editor> Use Flat Rates Section> Regular) |
• | Flat OT Rate - Overriding Overtime Pay Rate (Rate Editor> Use Flat Rates Section> Premium) |
• | Use Flat - When selected, Flat Rates are used instead of Base Rates (Use Flat Rates is checked). |
• | Use MU on OT - When selected, the Premium Rate will be calculated against the DPE, Overhead and Profit Multipliers. Note: Must have "Apply Multipliers on Premium Portion" checked in Rate Editor for this to calculate. |
• | Use OT - When "Override Premium Multipliers" is selected, the Premium Multiplier will be used to calculate overtime against the Pay Rate. |
• | DPE Mult - Direct Personal Expense (DPE) multiplier against the line item. |
• | OH Mult - Overhead (OH) multiplier against the line item. |
• | PR Mult - Profit (PR) multiplier against the line item. |
• | Currency - Represents the transactional currency in which the rate is utilized. For example, if entering a Time Sheet (U.S. Dollars) only Rates of similar currency would be used in bill, cost or pay rate evaluation. |