Rate Schedule Detail

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The Rate Schedule Detail report lists the rate schedule setup including employees and job titles assigned and rates. A Rate Schedule can have multiple dates assigned to it, so the Active Date will return the Rate Schedule detail for the date range that the Active Date falls in.






Active Date - A Rate Schedule can have multiple dates assigned to it, so the Active Date will return the Rate Schedule detail for the date range that the Active Date falls in.
Schedule Name - Rate Schedule to be reported on.




Report Columns

Job Title - Job Title to be analyzed from the Time Sheet to get the rate.  Leave Blank for all Job Titles.
Employee - Employee to be analyzed from the Time Sheet to get the rate.  Leave Blank for all Employees.
Reg Base Rate - Overriding Regular Pay Rate (Rate Editor> Base Rates Section> Pay Rate) to be calculated against the DPE, Overhead and Profit Multipliers.
OT Base Rate - Overriding Overtime Pay Rate  (Rate Editor> Base Rates Section> Premium Rate) to be calculated against the DPE, Overhead and Profit Multipliers. Note: Must have "Apply Multipliers on Premium Portion" checked in Rate Editor for this to calculate.
Flat Reg Rate - Overriding Regular Pay Rate (Rate Editor> Use Flat Rates Section> Regular)
Flat OT Rate - Overriding Overtime Pay Rate (Rate Editor> Use Flat Rates Section> Premium)
Use Flat - When selected, Flat Rates are used instead of Base Rates (Use Flat Rates is checked).
Use MU on OT - When selected, the Premium Rate will be calculated against the DPE, Overhead and Profit Multipliers. Note: Must have "Apply Multipliers on Premium Portion" checked in Rate Editor for this to calculate.
Use OT - When "Override Premium Multipliers" is selected, the Premium Multiplier will be used to calculate overtime against the Pay Rate.
DPE Mult - Direct Personal Expense (DPE) multiplier against the line item.
OH Mult - Overhead (OH) multiplier against the line item.
PR Mult - Profit (PR) multiplier against the line item.
Currency - Represents the transactional currency in which the rate is utilized. For example, if entering a Time Sheet (U.S. Dollars) only Rates of similar currency would be used in bill, cost or pay rate evaluation.

